RuneQuest PDF Download: Get Started with the Starter Set and Free Handouts
You can buy Classic Fantasy in these ways...Preorder the Print Copy: $44.95, available in 6-8 weeks (shipping approx 1st June 2016) and get the PDF free of charge, with immediate download. Simply visit our online store (, and select Classic Fantasy from the Supplements catalogue.
runequest pdf download
If one wants to obtain only the 50-page long electronic version of this product, he can do so free of charge from the publisher's website. You read that right: free of charge. You are reading a review of a product which, at least in one medium, you can download without even bothering to read the remainder of the review. The product came out as a freebie on the 2017 Free RPG day, and has remained free since.
We are all clear on the fact that you can download the pdf free of charge, without needing to read the whole review and its spoilers, and thus concentrate only on the rules aspects, right? Here we go.
The system is percentile based, a roll-under d100 without exceptions. Fans of RuneQuest already are aware of the seven characteristics (Strength, Constitution, Size, Dexterity, Intelligence, Power, Charisma) and their range from 3 to (over) 18, the book however does not include character creation rules. Five diverse Adventurers are provided instead, while an additional sixth can be also downloaded free of charge in an extra pdf that circulated after the initial release of the present booklet. Using an ability is a straightforward percentile test, relating to either skills, Runes, or Passions. Yet, any test can be augmented by taking a previous test before when something fits narratively: a Love (family) Passion can be used to augment the Search roll when looking for clues for a missing brother, for example. The result of the initial roll, will modify the actual roll, be it for the better or for the worse. All rolls except from the combat ones can be pushed, at a penalty of -25%. Percentile characteristics rolls are also allowed by multiplying the characteristic fivefold, or tenfold (for an easy task) or at face value (for a near impossible task). In addition to successes and failures, the rules include critical successes (best 5% of a potential roll), special successes (second best 15% of a potential roll), and the much dreaded fumbles (worst 5% of a potential roll). Seeing how very high or very low abilities would have different results in these cases, an Ability Results table facilitates the number crunching.
The strong points: Free, free and free. RuneQuest is still widely known as a name but not as widely experienced as a game as it did in the past. The purpose of this product is rather obvious: expose everybody and their dogs to the game, so that it reclaims the vast audience it once did. One only needs to download it, read it and play it, skipping through the annoying 'paying' part. Veterans of the game will immediately recognize its subsystems and understand what they need to do in order to make it work. Newer acolytes will appreciate the inherent simplicity of a percentile system, the well-balanced combat simulationism, as well as the modern design elements of pushed tests, augmented rolls, Passions and Runes influencing both actions and decision-making.
This PDF A3 RuneQuest Glorantha character Sheet is something I made for our own gaming group, it's a little easier to read and write on, and includes a few little features to speed up play, such as spaces for the weapon Skill/Special/Crit values. Please download it and try it out.
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Fudge started as an online collaborative project to create a rules-light RPG that would be free to download and print. The project was begun in late 1992 by Steffan O'Sullivan, and for the first year and a half had many contributors. O'Sullivan was in charge of selecting contributions and editing them, but was not the sole author. In order to be certain that it would always remain free, O'Sullivan copyrighted the system in his name.